Message from IPS President & Secretary
Dear Esteemed Colleagues,
Greetings from the IPS!
It is our privilege to extend an invitation to you to participate in the 71st Annual Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society (ANCIPS 2019). Our hosts are the Central Zonal Branch, in association with the Dept of Psychiatry, King George Medical College and Nur Manzil Psychiatric Centre, Lucknow. ANCIPS, the mega annual event of Indian Psychiatric Society, is attended by not only IPS members but also delegates from across the world.
Friends, Lucknow is the capital city of Awadh, one of the most ancient kingdoms of India. It has a reputation for refined culture. It is a city of genteel manners and etiquette, poetry, music, monuments, evergreen fashion, not to forget exquisite cuisine. It figures high on the tourist map of India. Nobody should miss the tehzeeb of Lucknow. These couplets of Majaz Lucknawi are an eloquent introduction to this City of Nawabs:
ANCIPS is known for its high academic standards. The scientfic committee is working to ensure this tradition is upheld. Apart from the regular fare we shall have some unique sessions from eminent researchers, academicians, clinicians, social scientists and scholars.
As you all know our profession is facing many challenges including some unwarranted legal conundrums of recent origin. The old demons of stigma, treatment gap and limited resources still haunt all mental health professionals. Your participation in large numbers at the Conference and in the Annual General Body Meeting, will give us great strength in our campaigns and battles.
Our hosts, led by Prof P K Dalal and Dr Hemant Naidu, have chosen an apt theme for this year’s ANCIPS: “Mental health-Nations’s Wealth”. We are impressed with the work of the Organising Committee and the venue they have chosen: the Indira Gandhi Pratishthan, a well-appointed convention centre. It is huge and beautiful, matching the hearts of our Organising Committee members.
Looking forward to see you at what promises to be a grand meeting indeed.

Dr Ajit V Bhide
PresidentIndian Psychiatric Society

Dr Vinay Kumar
Hon, General SecretaryIndian Psychiatric Society
Invitation From Organising Committee
Dear Colleagues and Honoured Guests,
It is a moment of great pride and pleasure to extend an invitation for your participation with family and friends in the ensuing 71st Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society (ANCIPS-2019) from 31st January to 03rd February, 2019 at Lucknow which will be hosting the conference after a gap of 26 years.
Lucknow the present capital of Uttar Pradesh was in bygone days the capital of Nawabs of Awadh. The city traces its origin to Lord Lakshman the brother of Lord Rama who is said to be the founder of this town. With passage of time this city was made capital of Awadh Kingdom during the reign of 4th Nawab Asaf-ud-Daulah. The last Nawab Wazid Ali Shah was an accomplished poet and dancer and was perhaps most generous patron of art. He was finally exiled by the British East India Company in 1856.
The venue of the conference is Indira Gandhi Pratishthan and the theme is “Mental Health-Nation’s Wealth”. The theme has been chosen aptly in the present scenario which would discuss promotion of positive mental health and prevention of mental disorders. With good mental health of working force productivity will increase resulting in generation of more wealth and prosperity to the nation.
This conference is going to be world class in terms of scientific deliberations. We hope to invite the best minds in psychiatry from India and around the world for brain storming scientific sessions to satiate the knowledge bank of all the delegates.
Lucknow is a city where its culture is reflected in its subtle fusion of sophistication and emotional warmth. The refined manners of its people make it different from other cities of India. The City is identified by its nazakat, nafasat, tahzeeb and pahle aap culture. The cuisine of awadh will satisfy the palate of all gourmets. Variety of kebab, birryani and different types of sweets and chats are most sought after items for any tourist to this city. In handicraft the chikan work is famous all over the world. Apart from this there are number of historical monuments in the city to attract tourism.
One of the added attractions will be Night Cricket for the 1st time in IPPL finals.

Dr P K Dalal
Organising Chairperson
Prof. & Head, Department of Psychiatry King George’s
Medical University
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Dr Hemant Naidu
Organising Secretary
Consultant Psychiatrist
Nur Manzil Psychiatric Centre
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh